Fwrehd, pronounced “Fred,” is a fantasy role-playing game for people who don't want to think about rules or roll dice.
Fwrehd features three innovations: Color Calls, State Scraps, and a unique approach to Magic. The Game Master (GM) advances the story through dialog, judgement calls, and the occasional Color Call—a dice-free way to handle chance. Characters progress organically, without number scores. They track their supplies and health on a State Scrap—a quarter sheet of paper with a stick figure. Fwrehd splits magic into two types: energy manipulation available to every Wizard and anything else as found items.
The above button downloads a three-page PDF that has everything you need to get started: the rules, a page with a sample character sheet and a blank character sheet, and a page with four state scraps. The below are for when you only need specific Fwrehd parts.